Functional Lab Testing for IBS


As a registered dietitian and functional nutritionist, I have the ability to order functional lab testing for IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). While functional lab testing is always optional when working with me, I can help you decide if and when testing makes sense for you. Testing can help guide our work together, but it’s only one piece of the puzzle.

Unfortunately, some providers overuse functional lab testing for IBS. I’ve heard of some cases where providers were forcing people to spend thousands on testing before scheduling the first session. This is NOT okay! 

I’m on a mission to help people understand the benefits, and limitations, of functional lab testing for IBS!

Functional Lab Testing for IBS: GI-MAP

When it comes to functional lab testing for IBS, the GI-MAP test can be useful in certain situations. We may consider doing a GI-MAP only after working on healthy gut foundations first.

The GI-MAP is a stool test that you can complete from the comfort of your own home. The company drop-ships the kit to your home and then you collect your sample and mail it back to the lab for analysis. How easy is that?

The test results give us a snapshot of the types and amounts of microbiomes in your sample. These levels can help us decide what steps we can take to bring everything into balance. We will also get some insights into how well your digestive system is working.

As with any lab test, I want to empower you to understand what the results mean so we can take action. We will spend plenty of time reviewing the results together so you can fully understand the report. Then I will help you create a plan! We will use nutrition, lifestyle, and targeted supplements (as needed) to get you on the road to feeling better.

Other tests

While I don’t require testing, I can review any recent blood work you have and help you decide what else you might need. Your primary care provider can do many of these tests as part of your annual physical. This could include vitamin D levels, measures of your blood sugar, or measures of certain nutrient levels.

Testing can be a helpful tool to help guide our plans or confirm that we are on the right track. But remember, testing is NOT a requirement for working with me.

Ready to get to the root of your IBS symptoms?

Click here to learn how to work with me!